The hammer is a simple tool. But did you know there’s actually a proper way to use it? It all comes down to three things: proper grip, swing technique, and safety. We’re breaking it all down in this helpful guide.
The hammer is a simple tool. But did you know there’s actually a proper way to use it? It all comes down to three things: proper grip, swing technique, and safety. We’re breaking it all down in this helpful guide.
Make sure to hold the hammer near the end of the handle to maximize leverage.
When gripping a hammer, first make a fist and either wrap your thumb just above your first finger over the index and middle fingers.
Swing correctly to hit the nail.
When lining up a nail, always hold it toward the top, just under the head, to reduce the risk of crushing your fingers.
Always center the hammer head on the nail before swinging forward. Draw back the hammer using a fluid backward motion of your elbow and wrist.
Watch the head of the nail as you swing, slightly bending your wrist forward when making contact with the nail head.
Always wear eye protection to protect yourself against nail fragments, pieces of concrete or wood.
Avoid hurting yourself by holding the nail properly. Holding the nail near the top - not the bottom! By holding it from the tip you have some wiggle room and are less likely to strike your fingers instead.
You should now be well on your way to using a hammer like a pro!