Best Seller

Gallery Wall Hanging Kit

Includes hardware, template system, and instructions.


Level up your frame game with a designer-approved gallery wall customized to your space. All you need is The Gallery Wall Kit. It comes with hanging hardware for up to 20 items, Character’s grid-lined template system for expert layout planning, and step-by-step instructions. 

Included in the Kit: Character 8 ft by 5 ft grid-lined hanging template, pencil and sharpener, tape, 20 hanging hooks with nails (weight limits: 12x 20  l bs, 4x 50 lbs, 4x 75 lbs) and 10x 1.5 in hanging nails.


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Patch-up free planning

The Character grid-lined template ensures your gallery’s layout is exactly right before hammering a single nail. No regrets.

Walls that talk

They say "total pro." From start to finish, the kit makes pulling off a designer-level statement wall a breeze.

A heavy-hitter

The kit packs it all in with hardware that holds lightweight items all the way up to 75lbs.

Woman hanging gallery wall using character gallery wall kit
DURATION: 30 mins - 2 Hours

How To Hang A Gallery Wall

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